Modern photography doesn’t really end after you’ve taken the photograph. Nowadays, there’s an entire series of tasks, practices, and methods that go into improving the quality of an image beyond what you might shoot under normal circumstances. Namely, it’s the photo editing process, which can take ordinary photos and turn them into captivating images.
A strong understanding of photo editing software is all but crucial to be a skilled photographer, both at the professional or amateur level. No matter the quality of your camera, lens, or skill, being unable to retouch and edit a photo leaves you at something of a disadvantage. Heck, even Instagram users can simply edit their photos.
But just as a camera is a bit more complex than a smartphone, so too is the editing software for the two. Properly using software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom takes a fair bit of background information, and if you have little to no knowledge on the practice it can be quite the confusing and daunting task.
Fortunately, you don’t need to go through the process using the gruesome and time-consuming trial and error method to slowly gain a grasp on photo editing software. In today’s society, any topic, no matter how advanced, can be taught; all you need is the right teacher and platform.
That’s where Henry’s comes in. Not only being a vendor for all things photography, Henry’s also has a wide variety of photography courses on numerous topics, photo editing included.
One course in particular will be of prime use for photographers looking to gain a serious boost in their editing abilities, the Adobe Lightroom workshop.
Designed for those who have some experience with digital photograph editing software (or at least know the lingo/concepts), the Adobe Lightroom: Fixing Photos workshop still starts with basic software tools like adjusting colour and tone. From there, more advanced techniques are learned and applied, such as digital retouching on a finer and larger scale.
Adobe Photoshop is even tied in, ensuring attendees understand how to transfer images between the programs, should more extensive editing be needed.
Once the workshop is completed, you’ll be equipped with the foundation and the skills needed to become a master photo editor. Additionally, you’ll have a strong grasp on Lightroom, ensuring you’ll be able to properly edit the next batch of photos you take.
The next Adobe Lightroom: Fixing Photos workshop begins this February 23rd and will be hosted by Henry’s in Toronto. Pre-registration and payment are required, so if you want to confirm your place now, while also reading up on the course workshop itself, head here.